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Release of Liability Waiver

Terms and Conditions Waiver

In consideration of my being allowed to use the services, equipment, and facilities of Break Out LLC, I hereby and acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I hereby acknowledge, accept and agree that the use of or participation in Break Out’s activities, the use of the rage room and art space services, equipment, and facilities are inherently dangerous. Participation in services and related activities may place unusual stresses on the body and is not recommended for persons suffering from asthma, epilepsy, cardio disorders, respiratory disorders, hypertension, skeletal, joint or ligament problems or conditions, and certain mental illnesses. Women who are pregnant or suspect they are pregnant and persons who have consumed alcohol or are otherwise intoxicated are not recommended to engage in Break Out’s activities. I have been advised to consult with my medical practitioner if I have any concern about my medical condition or fitness to engage in any activities. I have received full information regarding Break Out’s services, equipment, and facilities and have had the opportunity to ask any questions that I had regarding the same. I have full knowledge of the nature and extent of all the inherent risks associated with rage rooms, the art studio, the services, equipment, and facilities used  and related activities at Break Out, which may include but are not limited to:

A. Any and all manner of injury, including without limitation the possibility of serious injury or death, resulting from any of the services, equipment, and facilities at  Break Out, including without limitation, slipping or tripping on debris and hitting the floor, equipment, weapons, people or debris, whether permanently or temporarily in place, failure to wear protective gear, flying debris or any other consequence whatsoever of utilizing  Break Out’s services, equipment, and facilities;

B. Injuries resulting from the actions or omissions of others, including but not limited to slips, trips and falls of other participants and flying debris;

C. Cuts and abrasions resulting from skin contact with damaged items, debris, or any other surface, person, or equipment;

D. Injuries resulting from shock, stress or another injury;

E. The aggravation or worsening of any existing medical condition;

F. Failure or misuse of safety gear, weapons, or any other items or equipment;

G. Failure to follow  Break Out’s employee instructions or failure to ask for information or assistance;

H. Any injury that may occur while moving on or about the premises for any reason, including but not limited to slips, trips and falls, and any and all inherent risks of the use of or participation in a rage room, the art studio and the services, equipment and facilities used in related activities at  Break Out.

I further acknowledge that the above list is not inclusive of all possible inherent risks associated with the use of  Break Out’s services, equipment, and facilities, and I agree that such list in no way limits the extent or reach of this Assumption of Risk, Release, and Indemnification.

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